A stay with a green conscience.
At Hotel Christian IV we want to make an active effort to reduce our burden on the environment so that our guests can stay with us with a clear conscience. We show respect for the environment and at the same time encourage our guests, suppliers and, of course, employees to do the same. Our efforts have resulted in receiving the Green Key certification which commits us to follow and live up to the strict requirements set by Green Key. Moreover, we are sharply focusing on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations.
Every day we work to ensure that daily operations are done with less impact on the environment than the day before. We specifically focus on the fact that heating, water and electricity consumption is limited as much as possible, without the inconvenience of our guests.

Reduction of energy consumption
All of our rooms have a water saving function on shower and washbasin fixtures. In addition, our toilets are continuously changed to water efficient toilets. Our heat is supplied from district heating and an electronic remote control with weather compensation is installed, so that the heat level is adjusted according to the outdoor temperature after a fixed heating curve.
We are certified as a 100% green energy (wind energy) purchaser. More than 90% of our lighting has been replaced by low-energy bulbs and we are continuously switching to LED lighting with even lower energy consumption.

A greener purchasing policy
Our goal is to be among the best hotels in our category, where guests feel at home, because quality, service, decor, environment and atmosphere are a well-thought-out whole. We will at all times at least meet the criteria established to be able to maintain the Green Key (DGN). We also strive with our purchases to 1) reduce resource consumption, 2) avoid unnecessary waste and resource use. Our procurement policy must, as far as possible, support the fulfillment of the two objectives, so that our procurement is done in a sound manner, where the environmental impact is minimized and sustainable production is promoted.

It makes good sense to sort waste so that recyclable materials is recycled and the rest broken down in the most environmentally friendly way. We sort batteries, metal, light bulbs and electronic waste which is delivered to the recycling centre. Glass and bottles are sorted into separate containers and collected for recycling. Both hard and soft plastic packaging is collected and recycled.
Cardboard and paper are sorted separately and sent for recycling and all returnable bottles are returned. In addition, we collect all our ink and toner products for recycling.